a - z指数


Program(s) Available: B.A., B.S.,小

It may be a small world, but it's certainly not a simple one! 的 地质 program explores the complex structures that make up the world, including rocks 和 minerals, the surface process that shapes the Earth 和 tectonic forces that have occurred in the scale of geologic time.

为什么学习 地质 at Northwest

Many schools offer 地质 programs, but at Northwest, we take h和s-on learning to a new level!

Recently, 14 Northwest students 和 four faculty members took a two-week summer field trip to the United States' western region. 的 group visited six national parks 和 monuments, including Yellowstone National Park 和 the Old Faithful Geyser Basin as well as Crater Lake National Park 和 Lassen Volcanic National Park. While the field trip draws students from varied majors 和 academic interests, the opportunity to visit national parks 和 monuments allows participants to see significant areas that are set aside 和 preserved for future generations.

In addition to traveling the country, 地质 students have access to high-quality equipment. Garrett-Strong Science Building offers 26 labs where students gain profession-based experience on campus.

Our 地质 program focuses on three core areas: 古生物学, the study of fossils, the evolution of life 和 ancient environments; sedimentology, the study of sedimentary rocks 和 the environments 和 process through which they develop; 和 地层学, the study of a rock unit’s relationship to space 和 time.

This major has two specializations: general 地质environmental 地质.

Pick your path

General 地质 - B.A. 或B.S.

general 地质 major gives students a holistic underst和ing of earth, rocks 和 the evolution of the earth.

Environmental 地质 - B.S.

的 specialization in environmental 地质 focuses primarily on 地质 as it relates to hydrology, natural disasters 和 natural resources.


Minor Programs

Did you know? A  in 地质 also is available! This program covers the foundations of historical 地质, mineralogy 和 general chemistry, 地质 和 earth science.

Career Opportunities

  • Mine geologist
  • Registered professional geologist
  • Science or 地质 teacher
  • Environmental geologist
  • Petroleum geologist

What Can I Do With a Major in 地质?

Research Opportunities

Faculty-led research provides an opportunity for students to produce original research with the goal of publishing their work. This is available for students showing interest in furthering their education. 

Research Opportunities

Student Organizations

GeoClub offers academic 和 social opportunities for students studying Earth science, 地质 和 geography. This club sponsors various activities such as: 

  • Field trips to geologically 和 geographically important areas in the United States
  • Trips to the Kansas City Gem 和 Mineral Show
  • Setting up educational displays at the Kansas City Gem 和 Mineral Show, B.D. Owens 图书馆 和 Garrett-Strong Science Building
Student Organizations
的 impact of value at Northwest
正确的尺寸. 合适的价格.
We underst和 college is a big investment. Why not attend a school that is invested in you?